Osmocem SCK Fiber-reinforced monocomponent cement mortar, based on hydraulic binders, superprogoline fillers, selected fine aggregates and crystallizing reagent agents, which favor the penetration of the compound into the support. Ideal for low-thickness protective coatings (4 to 10 mm), with high counterweight adhesion. The specific formulation makes this product ideal for coatings in aggressive environments in contact with chlorides and sulphates (sewage systems).
Packaging: 25 kg bag
UM: €/kg
Avantages :
Écologique : Réduction des déchets plastiques et préservation des ressources naturelles.
Économique : Réduction des coûts de production tout en maintenant des standards de qualité élevés.
Performant : Propriétés mécaniques et thermiques stables et fiables.
Instructions de traitement :
Température d'extrusion : 160°C - 180°C
Température de moulage par injection : 170°C - 190°C
Température de séchage : Non nécessaire, faible absorption d'humidité
Pour plus d'informations ou pour des besoins spécifiques, veuillez contacter notre équipe commerciale ou consulter notre site web. Nous sommes à votre disposition pour vous fournir des échantillons et des données techniques supplémentaires.
Beschichtbar sind Feinblech, Baustahl (auch verzinkt), Alu-Blech, Alu-Druckguss, Magnesiumguss, Glas und Kunsttsoff, in Abhängikeit von der Temperaturbeständigkeit.
Pulverlacke sind lösungsmittelfrei und werden mit elektrostatischen Spritzpistolen aufgebracht und je nach Empfindlichkeit und Chemie der Pulverlacke und der zu beschichteten Teile werden sie zwischen 130 und 220°C ausgehärtet.
Folgende Vorbehandlungen sind möglich:
• Gelb - und Grünchromatierung
• Zinkphosphatierung
• chromfreie Konversation
• hochwertiger Korrosionsschutz
• stark mechanisch belastbar
• keine Umweltprobleme, da lösungsmittelfrei und Rückgewinnung des Oversprays
• sehr gute chemische Beständigkeit
• hohe Steinschlagfestigkeit
• als Polyesterpulver sehr UV-beständig
• dekorative Oberflächen in fast allen Farbtönen, Glanzgraden und Strukturen
Un kit de peinture antistatique électro-conductrice DISSIKOTE comprend :
- 1 pot de 4 Kg de peinture conductrice
- 1 pot de 0.75 Kg de durcisseur
- 1 bidon de 5 Litres de diluant
Classification AFNOR : Famille l6a
Revêtement polyuréthanne (Gris clair et Brun rouge)
Conducteur de charges électrostatiques
Aucune étiquette de toxicité
Résistance électrique : 25 x 10⁴Ω
Constance électrique : pas d'évolution dans le temps
Éléments conducteurs : Noir d'acéthylène
Résistance à l'abrasion : 1,6 mg aux 25 tours (moyenne sur 600 tours). Norme NFT 30015
Durée de stockage : 6 mois
Trockenschmierung: Bei Anwendungsfällen, die eine Öl- und Fettfreiheit erfordern, die aufgrund der späteren Betriebsbeanspruchung einen optimalen Einlaufvorgang benötigen oder deren Montage einen trockenen, hoch druckbeständigen Gleitfilm erfordert.
Spanlose Metallformung: Schwer formbare Materialien sind durch den Einsatz von GLEIT-μ® GL 220 gut verarbeitbar. Kaltverschweißen wird verhindert, hohe Umformgrade werden ermöglicht.
»» trockener, grau-schwarzer Gleitlackfilm
»» sehr hohe Druckbeständigkeit
»» konstante, niedrige, reproduzierbare Reibungszahlen
»» Optimierung von Einlaufvorgängen
»» minimiert Stick-Slip-Gefahr
»» hohe Haftfestigkeit
»» weiter Temperatureinsatzbereich: -180 bis +450 °C
»» kostengünstige und perfekt durchgeführte Lohnbeschichtung möglich
Robustes Oszilliermesser mit der Geometrie des Z42. Das Messer ist zur Erzielung längerer Standzeiten in der Lederverarbeitung speziell beschichtet.
Verwendung: EOT, POT, 0.63 mm
Empfohlene Materialien:
Max. Schnitttiefe: 7.8 mm
Messermaterial: HM
Messerdicke: 0.63 mm
Vorschnitt: 0.05 + 0.7 x Tm
Nachschnitt: 0.80 mm
Hersteller Artikel-Nr.: 5203005
Eine industrielle Bodenbeschichtung, die dank ihrer Epoxidharz-Basis enorm chemikalienbeständig ist. In vielen Farben und den Versionen Säureresistent, Anti-Rutsch, Kalttrocknend, Rapid verfügbar.
Additive der Marke PROFI-CAR helfen Ihnen Motor, Kraftstoff- und Kühlersystem in optimalem Zustand zu halten.
• Kraftstoffsparend
• Verbrennungsoptimierend
• Reinigt und schützt das gesamte Kraftstoffsystem
• Schützt Motor und Getriebe und vermindert den Verschleiß
• Verbessert die Laufeigenschaften
• Schließt kleinere Undichtheiten an Motor und Kühlersystem
• Beugt Kühlerschäden vor
• Verbessert das Umweltverhalten
O CAF 3 é usado principalmente em aplicações industriais de vedação e colagem quando é necessário um produto fluido. É usado principalmente para: Encapsulamento e isolamento de sensores eletrônicos; Colagem de vários materiais; Manutenção geral na indústria.
CoCrWMo-Aufbrennlegierung für konventionelle,
hochschmelzende (niedrig expandierende) Keramiken.
Frei von Nickel, Beryllium und Cadmium. Typ 5 nach DIN EN ISO 22674.
Vorteile für den Zahntechniker:
-Breites Indikationsspektrum
-Sehr gute Legierungseigenschaften ermöglichen ein systemfreies Arbeiten
-Hervorragende Poliereigenschaften und angenehmes Ausarbeiten, unter
anderem durch niedrigen Härtegrad von 280 HV10
-Ein WAK von 14,0 gewährt Flexibilität bei der Keramikauswahl und sicheres
-Je nach Keramik ist keine Abkühlphase notwendig
-Exzellenter Metall-Keramikverbund, auch ohne Bonder
-Auf ein Oxidationsbrand kann verzichtet werden
-Optimale Vorraussetzungen für das Laserschweißen
-Flexibilität in der Anwendung und leichtes Aufschmelzen, kein Funkensprühen
Gewicht: 1000 g
ADLER PUR-based coatings are modern solvent-based systems that meet the most demanding standards in furniture and interior decoration. The best resistance, both for chemical and mechanical stresses and strains, as well as ease of application
and use are the special features of this type of coating system.
ADLER offers the best choice of PUR-based coatings for the most diverse types of wood as well as the most varied design concepts. Premium quality and efficient use are always ensured in the process. In this manner, you can meet almost any need or requirement for the surface as desired by your customers.
Wysokiej jakości regranulat LDPE z certyfikatem RecyClass.
Materiał idealny do produkcji m.in. wyrobów foliowych i opakowaniowych od 18 µm.
Kolor: ciemny/czarny
Filtracja: 125 µm
MFR190/2,16kg/Oferowany zakres : 0,5-1,5
Opakowanie: big-bag (1 200 kg)
GC pro 2745 BO 10 LP41 contains 27% natural fibers from sunflower seed hulls and is an absolute allround natural fiber material for various packaging applications. Sunflower seed hull fibers are a by-product of sunflower oil production. They are GMO-free, have no competition with food and require no additional farmland. GC pro has a lower carbon footprint than comparable materials. Frequently, this material has been used for containers, packaging in general, sliders or even blocks. The material can be colored using a masterbatch.
Other advantages of GC pro:
100% recyclable
Reduced cycle times
No sink marks
Improved CO₂ balance sheet
Lower energy input
In addition to our allrounder compounds, we naturally have many other material formulations. Just contact us, together we will find the perfect compound for your application.
Application area:Injection Moulding
Density:1,02 g/cm³ according to ISO 1183
MVR:40 cm³/10 min according to ISO 1133 (190°C/5 kg)
E-Modules:1500 MPa according to ISO 527
Tensile Strength:20 MPa according to ISO 527
Elongation at break:13 % according to ISO 527
Charpy unnotched 23 °C:4,3 kJ/m² according to ISO 179-1eU
Charpy notched 23 °C:2,3 kJ/m² according to ISO 179-1eA
Poliuretano (5,0 kg) + endurecedor (0,7 kg) es decir, un kit de 5,7 kg Aplicaciones: Para todos los revestimientos de suelos interiores o exteriores de caucho, en losetas o en rollo, las moquetas y los céspedes sintéticos. Ventajas: Apto para el encolado de numerosos revestimientos y sobre soportes tales como hormigón y aglomerados. Recomendado para los usos intensivos. Gracias a su flexibilidad, puede ser sometido a importantes variaciones de temperatura
PDM granül kauçuktan üretildiği için oldukça esnek bir maddedir. Bu nedenler her türlü şarta kolaylıkla ayak uydurabilir. Yazın güneşi ya da kışın soğuğu bu malzemeye hiçbir şekilde zarar veremez. Elastik olmasından dolayı darbelere karşı oldukça fazla dayanıklıdır. Elastik olması malzemenin her şekle girmesine de yardımcı olur. Yapısı gereği çok dayanıklı bir ürün olan EPDM granül, öyle hava şartlarına göre değişiklik göstermez. Her duruma dayanıklı olan bu malzemede esneme, genleşme, büzülme gibi olaylar asla yaşanmaz. Bu sayede yaz sıcağında ve kış soğuğunda kolaylıkla kullanılır. EPDM sonradan renklendirilen bir madde değildir. Boyama yöntemi kullanılmayan bu malzemede renk solması gibi bir durum asla yaşanmaz. Yıllarca renkleri bozulmadan kalabilir. Bu malzemede aklınıza gelebilecek her rengi kullanabilirsiniz. Geniş bir renk seçeneğine sahip olan EPDM granül size istediğiniz rengi seçme şansını verecektir.
ELKALUB GLS 163 ist ein kurzfaseriges, Schmierfett erhöhter Reinheit mit hoher Druckbelastbarkeit für den Einsatz in Wälz- und Gleitlagern. Das Fett hat ein sehr thixotropes Verhalten, d.h. im Ruhezustand sind die Penetrationswerte fast 100 Punkte niedriger (das Fett ist fester). Dieses Verhalten ist in Lagern mit schlechter Abdichtung oder erhöhter Lagerluft von Vorteil. ELKALUB GLS 163 lässt sich sehr gut in Zentralschmieranlagen fördern. Das Fett blutet nicht aus. Aufgrund der Thixotropie ist für den Vorratsbehälter ein druck-beaufschlagter Folgekolben erforderlich. Leichter Druck macht das Fett sofort fließfähig. Das feinkörnige, teilsynthetische Fett hat einen sehr flexiblen Strukturaufbau und ist damit für kleine, ständig wechselnde Bewegungsrichtungsänderungen hervorragend geeignet. In Ruhe gelassen regeneriert sich das Fett wieder fast auf seine Ausgangswerte. Aufgrund seiner chemischen Zusammensetzung ist ELKALUB GLS 163 unter Mischreibungsbedingungen ein MoS2-Bildner.
Adhésif pour collage de composite sur composite
Recrée une couche d'inhibition pour une adhésion fiable entre composite et composite
Application simple avec un pinceau
Manipulation rapide et facile
Recrée une couche d'inhibition
Adhésion sûre
Comment l'utiliser?
GC COMPOSITE PRIMER est également appliqué pour une adhésion sûre lors de la caractérisation de dents artificielles et prothèses acryliques avec le système composite micro hybride GC GRADIA et GC GRADIA gum shades.
Alpha manufactures a very wide range of one and two part solvent based adhesives that can be applied by brush, spray system, roller or spreader.
Product bases include Neoprene, Polyurethane, Nitrile, SBR & Natural Rubber.
Many products offer resistance to wide temperature ranges as well as giving high bond strengths and varying open times. A number of products such as S889, S5001, SN1314, S708, DP2205 are also MOD approved.
** Ask for a quote **
Weichlötflußmittel "Cu-Roplus", ausgezeichnet mit dem
RAL-Gütezeichen der Gütegemeinschaft Kupferrohr e.V., DIN EN ISO 9454, 3.1.1.C, 100 g Dosen mit Pinselköcher, DVGW-Prüfzeichen: DV-0101 AT 2243 (Fl 009)
Protech Fix AC-Therm
Water-based anti-condensing wall covering, with excellent fixing and anchoring properties, with good coverage based on high penetration acrylic resins, 3M Glass Bubble, pigments, fillers and covering fillers. Suitable as an anti-condensation fixative primer, prior to painting or coating the plaster with anti-condensation paints or plasters (-THERM).
Ideal for interventions on walls with mucilage deposits, bacterial phenomena and moulds. Due to its low thermal conductivity, it is particularly suitable for solving mould problems. It can be applied on any plaster (rustic, civil, plaster, dry mortar, plasterboard, concrete, prefabricated, exposed concrete, etc.).
Made with special resins and additives it reduces the absorption of the support while allowing the necessary transpiration, uniforms the absorption making the application of the finishing coats easier. It always works in depth, which is why it is the ideal preparation for applying water-based paints or coatings. Adhesion is excellent even on particularly difficult surfaces, thanks to the use of special resins and the presence in the formulation of an adhesion promoter interacting between the support and the product.
Preliminary treatment of any surface (civil, plaster, rustic, dry mortars, plasterboard, concrete, prefabricated, exposed concrete etc.) designed to isolate the support surfaces and standardise the absorptions of the subsequent anti-condensate treatments (painting and protective coatings).
Packaging: 14-liter bucket
UM: €/l
Protech AC-P
Paint based on acrylic resins in aqueous emulsion, for interiors and exteriors, protective lamellar structure which, in addition to having an aesthetic effect, allows maximum filling, transpiration and very high resistance to mechanical and chemical light. The high coverage and expandability make this product extremely easy to apply. The special acrylic resins that compose it allow to obtain a film characterized by a rapid insensitivity to water even during the drying phase, with a consequent reduction of the "snail effect" in the event of atmospheric events.
Protective and decorative finish painting of walls, facades, concrete products, plasters, masonry, natural stone, porous substrates in general.
For old plasters, pay particular attention to the old pre-existing paints, which must be removed by careful scraping and brushing in order to obtain a healthy and non-friable support; then proceed with the application of Protech Fix AC fixative. When applying on new plasters, it is good practice to insulate the base with acrylic insulator or even better with a white or neutral microemulsion fixative. Avoid windy or cold days when applying. Do not apply on fresh or particularly alkaline substrates, respect a minimum carbonation period of at least four weeks.
On large surfaces it is recommended to apply product from the same batch and always proceed wet on wet to avoid signs of recovery. Never operate with temperatures below + 5 ° C. Rainy weather, excessive atmospheric humidity and temperatures below + 8 ° C can greatly compromise drying with the possibility of washing off by rainwater even after several days. .
DILUTION (by volume with drinking water)
1st COAT: 15% a crossed coat or two coats 12-24 hours apart
2nd COAT: 10%.
1st COAT: 10%
2nd COAT: 10%.
SPRAY (through specific equipment)
1st COAT: 15/25%
2nd COAT: 15/25%.
To avoid filming defects, being resin-based products in aqueous emulsion, the application temperature must be between + 5 ° C and + 35 ° C with relative humidity not higher than 60/70%. Do not apply under the direct action of the sun and wind. Do not apply on fresh or particularly alkaline substrates, respect a minimum drying period of the substrate of at least four weeks. It is also advisable for colored, not to use on large surfaces dyed with different production batches as slight differences between batch and batch are technically possible. Please check the color before application as we will not respond to any disputes regarding the shade of the applied product.
From 0.20 to 0.30 liters of Protech AC-P for each square meter of surface to be painted.
Pail 14 l
Syntech HAG Acryl
Syntech HAG Acryl is a four-component resin that reacts to form an elastic and durable gel. The properties of Syntech HAG Acryl are: • Good general chemical resistance. • Does not contain acrylamide, methacrylamide, formaldehyde or solvents. • Not inflammable. • Excellent adhesion on mineral building materials such as concrete, cement and bricks. • The reaction speed can be adjusted from a few seconds to several minutes. • When the injected cracks dry out due to temperature or groundwater level fluctuations the gel does not crack easily. • The hardened gel has excellent durability in wet-dry cycles.
Syntech HAG Acryl components are supplied ready to use.
Create 2 mixes in separate plastic buckets. Prepare only the quantity to be used each time.
Solution 1: Syntech HAG Acryl component A (25 kg resin) mixed with Syntech HAG Acryl component B (2.5 kg catalyst).
Solution 2: Syntech HAG Acryl component C (2 packs of 0.625 kg) mixed with clean tap water.
The amount of water must be equal in volume to solution 1.
When mixing resin, always use a wooden or stainless steel spatula.
The reaction time depends on the temperature of the material, the structure of the building and the possible amount of water present. Higher temperature will speed up the reaction time and lower temperature will slow it down.
It is advisable to carry out an on-site test, before injection, to observe and define the reaction time.
To change the reaction time, only adjust the amount of Syntech HAG Acryl component C. The amount of the other components remains the same.
Use a two-component stainless steel pump (manual, electric or pneumatic).
Check that the pump and equipment are clean and that there is no residue from previous injection work.
The two mixtures are fed into the pump separately, but are mixed homogeneously at a volumetric ratio of 1:1 in the pump's mixing head, before being injected through the pump nozzle.
Check the quality of the concrete, as injection involves pressure.
Sealing and waterproofing of cracks and cavities in walls, floors, concrete constructions, underground structures, etc.
It can be used in constructions that are not permanently in contact with water (fluctuating groundwater level).
Injection of very fine cracks.
Determine the type and size of packers based on your pump and injection type. If reinforcing steel is present, try to locate it and plan the drilling pattern so that the reinforcement is not drilled. Drill holes at an angle of approximately 45° or less and in the direction of the crack. Make sure the hole goes through the crack.
The distance of the drilled holes depends on the width of the crack. Place the packer in the hole.
Prepare the pump to start the injection. The injection pressure varies depending on the structure and size of the crack. Start the injection at the lowest point of the crack. Continue injecting until resin flows out of adjacent packer(s). This is necessary to achieve uniform distribution of the material.
Stop pumping, unplug and move on to the next packer. Continue the procedure until the crack is completely filled.
After the material has cured, the packers can be removed. Holes drilled can be covered with Repar Tix Speedy HP quick-setting mortar. Clean and rinse the pump equipment with water whenever there is a stoppage longer than 15 minutes and, after completing the injection, rinse with a sufficient amount of water. Make sure the pump is clean and stop only when clean water comes out of the pump.
The consumption of the product depends on the size of the empty volume to be filled.
Can 25 kg [A] - Plastic can 2.5 kg [B] - Canister 0.625 kg [C] - Canister 0.625 kg [D] - Kit: 1 Can 25 kg [A] + 1 Plastic can 2.5 kg [B] + 1 Canister 0.625 kg [C] + 1 Canister 0.625 kg [D]
Syntech Poliurea Top Coating
A protective, pigmented, two-component formulation based on aliphatic polyurethane resins, ideal as a protective and aesthetic coating on waterproofing with SYNTECH POLIUREA SPRAY. Characterised by high levels of elasticity and elevated protection, even in aggressive atmospheres. Available on request in shades from the RAL colour range.
Surface coating pigmented for colouring polyurethane claddings, and their protection from UV rays (which in the absence of the top coating would alter the colour over time). After suitable priming with SYNTECH POLYUREA PRIMER, it can also be applied as a simple coloured aliphatic protective coating.
Polyurea support Vacuum and blow the surfaces to eliminate any dust that may have accumulated in the 24-48 hours following the installation of SYNTECH POLIUREA SPRAY Support in concrete, mortar, brick, tiles The support on which the polyurea system must be laid must be suitable for withstanding the stresses resulting from the intended use, such as static or dynamic loads, impacts, thermo-hygrometric dilations, vibrations, etc. As regards the characteristics of the substrate (maximum humidity, cohesion, strength class, flatness, etc.) and the preparation of the surface that will accommodate the resin system, we recommend the requirements set out in chapter 5 of the UNI 10966 standard ("RESIN SYSTEMS FOR SURFACES HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL - INSTRUCTIONS FOR DESIGN AND APPLICATION "). In any case, carefully clean and degrease the surfaces, removing any kind of dirt, paint residues or incoherent parts. The humidity of the support must be <= 3%. Evaluate the most convenient type of mechanical preparation (shot peening, sandblasting, hydro-washing, etc.). The surfaces must also be free from discontinuity, and possibly leveled and regularized with products from the FLOOR line or the REPAR line. In case of presence (even suspected) of humidity deriving from capillary rising from the substrate, it is recommended to apply in advance the epoxy resin for "wet substrates" Syntech Pavidamp. Tiled floors, or floors covered with pre-existing resin, must be subjected to mechanical roughening carried out with shot blasting, milling, bush hammering, etc., until the total elimination of the waterproof crust and the opacification of the surfaces. Remove dust after abrasion. It is recommended to use Primer from the SYNTECH POLIUREA PRIMER range. On particularly absorbent substrates, to avoid the formation of craters / blowholes on the surface of the freshly sprayed product, it is recommended to use primers from the SYNTECH POLIUREA PRIMER range, always contacting the Azichem technical staff for clarification on the most suitable type to use. Apply several layers of primer until the porosity is saturated and providing a light dusting with clean and dry quartz sand (0.4-0.7 mm). Never dust off the primer. Provide suitable elastic sealing systems to cover joints, fittings, cracks or fissures subject to significant movements.
Pour component B with component A into a single container, taking care to remove all the material from the packaging. Mix thoroughly with a mixer at low revs, until a lump-free mixture is obtained.
Apply with a roller or brush on the surfaces of SYNTECH POLYUREA SPRAY, within 24-48 hours of spreading the latter.
A thorough sanding of the supports is recommended for any repairs and/or finishes.
From 0.15 to 0.25 kg of SYNTYECH POLIUREA TOP COATING for each square metre of surface to be covered.
Can 6.7 kg [A] - Can 3.3 kg [B] - Kit: 1 Can 6.7 kg [A] + 1 Can 3.3 kg [B]
Fluid Col
Multi-purpose additive powder, to add to a suitable mixture of binders and aggregates, for the on-site production of mortars, grouts and concretes that are self-levelling, rheoplastic, controlled shrinkage or moderately expansionary, high mechanical strength, chemical and waterproofing.
The physical-chemical action of Fluid Col is an interaction of positive contributions and modifications: drastic reduction of the A/C ratio, shrinkage-resistant action, superpozzolanic action and reaction of ultrafine fillers (MICROSIL 90), which transforms unstable, soluble, readily reactive calcium hydroxides into stable, insoluble, chemically and mechanically resistant hydrous calcium silicates.
Preparation of mortars, grouts, rheofluid concretes, shrinkage-compensated or moderately expansionary, high mechanical, watertightness and chemical stability performance, for structural slubs, anchoring machines, road joints, etc.
Add the product in a concrete mixer, mixer truck or mixer, together with the remaining anhydrous components of the mixture: cement and aggregates, any polypropylene and/or steel fibres, etc. The indicative dosage, depending on the type of conglomerate to be packaged and its purposes, varies between 12% and 15% of the weight of the cement.
After a first mixing, add the mix water and mix thoroughly, until you obtain a homogeneous whole and free of lumps. The cement dosage must not be less than 350 kg/m³. Fluid Col is perfectly compatible with the addition of fibre d steel and/or polypropylene fibres READYMESH, for the preparation of conglomerates composite s, fibre reinforced.
Add 10 - 15% of Fluid Col to the weight of the cement present in the mixture.
Bag 25 kg - Pallet: 50 x (Bag 25 kg)
Grout CR
Composite , castable, anti-washout, controlled shrinkage cement mortar, superfluid consistency, based on high-resistance cements, superpozzolanic fillers (MICROSIL 90), polymeric modifiers, shrinkage resistant agents, specific additives, calcium silicate mineral fibres, selected silica aggregates.
- Based on of thickened silica fume
- three-dimensionally reinforced fibre with mineral and synthetic fibres
- Provides high adherence and adhesion
- dimensionally stable (shrinkage-compensated)
- Provides high stability-physical chemical and resistance to chlorides and sulphates
- suitable for underwater castings: it is anti-washout
- high strength in terms of hydrostatic positive and negative thrust.
Repair and protective coatings of hydraulic structures, marine and underwater structures, and articles in critical situations: harsh chemical-physical, leaching water, marine atmosphere, etc. Filling of formwork for the containment of cast immersed in sea water.
In case of underwater application, the installation operations must be carried out within 8-10 hours of cleaning and "fouling" (accumulation and deposits of organic and inorganic particles on product surfaces) removal. An adequate roughening of the surfaces by scarifying, sandblasting etc. is always necessary in order to obtain the maximum adhesion values to the substrate. The optimal values are obtained with high pressure hydro-scarification. Bare the irons undergoing disruptive oxidation or deeply oxidized, removing the rust of the exposed irons (by sandblasting or abrasive brushes).
Pour 2/3 of total mixture water in the cement mixer, gradually add the product and the remaining water, until a homogeneous mixture of the required consistency is obtained.
For sizable filling thicknesses, greater than 60 mm, Ghiaietto 6.10 (inert washed is selected with a particle size of from 6-10 mm) can be added in a percentage ranging from 20% to 40 %, on the basis of practical requirements.
In some particularly demanding cases in terms of the resistance to the "dry-wet" cycle (for example, for the action of the tides) or for chemical attacks particularly strong, it would be advisable to add, in addition to the gravel, even thickened silica fume(MICROSIL 90), and in a variable amount depending on the thickness and construction-related need, to further improve the waterproofing and the mechanical strength of the product. In these cases, please contact our Technical Service. In the case of casts in water, make sure of perfect product hardening before removal of the formwork.
Approximately 20,50 kg/m² of Grout CR for every centimetre of thickness to be implemented (approximately 2050 kg per cubic metre).
Packaging: 25 kg bag
UM: €/kg
EG 91
Epoxy-polyurethane two-component elastoplastic and thixotropic sealant, for joints subject to traffic, where Shore A Hardness Scale = 65. The elongation-at-break is 70%. To be applied with a trowel or extruded into the suitably-taped sections of the joint (to protect adjacent surfaces). Resistant to contact with hydrocarbons (gasoline and diesel fuel).
Horizontal sealing of joints in industrial flooring, even in the presence of chemical attacks and stresses from average-heavy traffic. Vertical sealing of joints in concrete works and products.
The application and containment surfaces (joint walls) should be clean, dry, conveniently prepared and adequately resistant: free from dust, grease, soiling, crumbling and/or non-adhering parts and dry. The application surfaces must also be preliminarily treated with Protech Flex Primer.
Add component B to component A taking care to pick up all the material contained in the packs, mix thoroughly with a mixer at a low number of revolutions, until a perfectly homogeneous mix is obtained; add the required load amount (component C) continue to mix until a perfectly homogeneous mixture is obtained, indicated by the uniform colour of the mixture. Apply the product mixed by trowelling or with extrusion guns.
Do not apply with temperatures below + 5°C or higher than + 35°C and in the presence of surface stagnant water.
Approximately 1.25 kg of EG 91 per cubic decimetre of joint volume to be sealed (1250 kg per cubic metre).
Packaging: Kit of 5+2.5 kg
UM: €/kg
Grout 6 HP SFR
Grout 6 HP SFR is a fibre-reinforced high-performance castable mortar, equipped with mechanical compressive and flexotraction resistance far superior to normal structural mortars. It is used for repairs, replenishments, strengthening concrete reinforcement and special works in FRC. The mix of special metal fibres (Readymesh MM-150) and synthetic fibres (Readymesh PM-060) is able to drastically reduce or even eliminate plastic-hygrometric shrinkage and the development of exceptional characteristics of ductility, fracture energy, resistance to shock and dynamic stress.
With very low water-binder ratios, Grout 6 HP SFR makes it possible to achieve compacting and hyperfluid rheologies that favour the movement of the mortar and the perfect filling of reinforced sprays, even with narrow spaces between the bars. The microsilica with pozzolanic activity increases the cohesion of the mixture with typical anti-segregating and anti-run-off effect. The particular fineness of the hydraulic binders contained in the formula promotes adherence to the substrate and has an effect of enlarging the fibrous components. The fibre mix offers strong ductility, toughness and flexotraction resistance to the castings performed with Grout 6 HP SFR. With regard to the ANTICORROSIVE and PROTECTIVE FUNCTION ON THE REINFORCEMENT BARS, the main features of Grout 6 HP SFR are:
• the mix of high-strength superfine binders, combined with very fine silicas with pozzolanic activities, to render the mortars intrinsically impermeable to water at the end of the hardening process;
• The strongly alkaline pH (> 12) protects the reinforcement bars from triggering corrosion;
• The negligible breathability of the carbon dioxide ensures hardened mortars with extremely prevalent anti-carbonation characteristics.
Overall, these anticorrosive specificities render the classic treatment of reinforcement bar passivation, preparatory to the pouring of castable mortar UNNECESSARY, provided that not too much time passes between the white metal cleaning operations and the castings of pourable mortar, at the risk of new oxidative processes being triggered. Thus, only in the event that long exposure times are foreseen between the bar-cleaning operations and the pouring of castable mortar is it advisable to treat with passivating slurry (Repar Monosteel or Repar Steel), applied by brush and only on the reinforcing bars.
On-site castings or pumping carried out for any kind of structural replenishment of reinforced concrete, seismic reinforcement and adjustment, increases in cross-sectional resistance of concrete structures and masonry, anchorages of large-scale machinery (especially in the presence of significant dynamic stresses), anchoring of port bollards, deep-drawing and reinforcement works, restoration of highly-stressed industrial flooring both from a static and dynamic perspective, restoration of degraded foundations on bridges and viaducts especially whereby necessitating rapid reopening to vehicle traffic, construction of structures designed with HPC (High Performance Concrete) needs.
Application surfaces must be clean, free of dust, contamination, crumbling, inconsistencies, etc., and adequately saturated-surface-dry with water. An adequate roughening of the surfaces by scarifying, sandblasting etc. is always necessary in order to obtain the maximum adhesion values to the substrate. The optimal values are obtained with high pressure hydro-scarification. Bare the irons undergoing disruptive oxidation or deeply oxidized, removing the rust of the exposed irons (by sandblasting or abrasive brushes).
Mix the entire content of a bag of Grout 6 HP SFR with effective vertical-axis mixers for at least 6 minutes, initially introducing a slightly reduced amount of water (9% = 2.25 litres/25 kilograms bag) compared to the required total water permitted (10%–12% = 2.5litres — 3.0 litres/25 kilogram bag) whilst mixing for at least 4 minutes. After this mixing time, evaluate the consistency of the mixture and, if necessary, gradually add in the last of the water until achieving the desired workability, without exceeding the limit of 12% (3.0 litres/25-kilogram bag), mixing at high RPM for at least another two minutes. For thick casting sections, it is advisable to add Ghiaietto 6.10 (consult the relevant technical data sheet or ask for more information on the appropriate dosage of Ghiaietto 6.10 from our technical service). Given the self-levelling properties of the product and its self-compacting capacity, paying due attention to the vibration phase is recommended. Excessive zeal in the vibration operation can worsen the aesthetic rendering of the end result. Do not use in the absence of suitable lateral containment. Ensure exposed surfaces are protected and wet-cured. Adopt casting procedures to ensure the absence of voids and discontinuities. Only pour the mortar from one part of the casting perimeter to avoid air pockets.
Packaging: 25 kg bag
UM: €/kg